Summer is here. 9 weeks of pretty much doing nothing. Right up any kids alley. It was hard going into summer this year because we are closing a chapter. A big chapter.
You see we have officially finished elementary school. We are moving into the preteen/teen years.
Oh no. I'm not ready.
I don't want too.
6 years at the same school came to an end all too fast. We are picking up and moving to another school. I know no one. Jack, on the other hand, knows a few people. Probably more than I know. He's so excited. I'm so nervous. All Jack looks at is that he is changing schools and he is getting bigger. He knows he will have 7 classes and will change classes. He is so excited and is looking forward to it.
I am freaking out. Being the mom of a child with medical issues and an IEP makes moving to a new school very difficult. There have already been phone calls to the district offices to inquire about a nurse. Watching closely at all news stories that have anything to do with new administration at the schools. We have already found out that his school will be getting a new principal. I have heard from another mom that there is word that one of the assistant principals is moving schools. That one is tough for me as I have already begun to form a relationship with him. We are waiting for state test scores to come in so that I can call the guidance counselor to set up a meeting to go over his IEP, needs for his Type 1 and the fact that he has a service dog.
Let me veer here for a second. In a phone call from the county health nurse that is at his school one day a week (we won't start on that right now), I mentioned that he has a service dog. The first thing that came out of her mouth was "Is the dog coming to school with him?" When I opened my mouth sarcasm fell out. I couldn't help it. It just spilled right out. Why does most people ask me if he goes to school with him? Yes, Izzy goes to school. Jack goes to school so Izzy goes.
That's all on that.
Back to my closing chapter.
I know that as the mom it is my responsibility to worry and manage all of these things. However, in doing all of those things, I am constantly realizing that my little boy is growing up.
Do you remember when your baby was born? Do you remember someone or everyone telling you to take it all in because that tiny newborn baby is going to grow up so fast and before you know it they will be going off to college/military/job? Well, I am here to tell you that it really does happen that fast. I thought that I would have so much longer before I was having to worry about teenage years.
I remember when Jack was little (toddler stage) that it was going to be forever before he went to "big" school. Those first five years seemed to go on forever. I loved them. For the most part. Then came kindergarten. I thought that he would be in elementary school forever. Nope.
I am here to tell you to cherish every chapter, every stage, every day. It all goes by so quickly.
So here we are at the start of a new chapter and I'm going through. Reluctantly but I'm going.
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